Proiectul reprezintă un pas important către îndeplinirea obiectivului de a oferi acces universal la resurse de apă de calitate, fiind o investiție în viitorul sănătos și durabil al acestor 4 comunități. Inițiativa vine să sprijine dezvoltarea durabilă și să încurajeze participarea activă a comunităților în gestionarea resurselor naturale.
Global recycling rates, averaging 19%, highlight that although recycling is often emphasized in guidelines, strategies and marketing, its widespread implementation remains elusive.
The course plays an important role in educating and training those responsible for waste management, giving them the tools and knowledge to implement and monitor effective waste management strategies.
If you are tired of garbage and want to better understand how to manage the waste in your life, then we invite you to get to know a new educational product by EcoVisio - the "Limita Deşeuriol" Course
By Order of the Ministry of Education and Research, AO E-Circular Training and Consulting Center obtained the Certificate of External Quality Assessment.
The research carried out by this study, including the synthesis of the legal framework at the national level, confirms that although we have set more or less ambitious objectives, not all of them include green economic growth.
Organizing a training course for employees in the field of waste management is essential to ensure the efficient and sustainable operation of your business.
The creation of a laboratory-type classroom dedicated to WEEE being one of the objectives of the project, it is set up in the premises of the College of Ecology and is equipped with various WEEE samples.