
The educational platform "ResourceEDU: Give up PLASTIC" was launched


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Roman Bahnaru e-Circular

In the context of the World Environment Day, the "E-CIRCULAR" Training and Consultancy AO and the AO Verde e Moldova in partnership with the Ministry of the Environment launched today, June 8, 2023, in the premises of the College of Ecology, the online educational platform for teaching staff "ResourceEDU: Ditch the PLASTIC".

The purpose of this platform is to promote sustainable practices and contribute to reducing the use of plastic materials by involving and empowering educational institutions in the Republic of Moldova. Through this platform, we want to provide teachers with resources and digital tools that will allow them to teach among students of different ages (5-7 years, 8-10 years and 11-14 years) the subject of plastic pollution, measures pollution prevention, giving up single-use packaging, etc. Through interactive teaching resources, teachers can create an engaging learning experience for students, thus generating a stronger impact on their consciousness and behavior.

The main educational components for the environment reflected in the developed methodological guidelines include: 

  • Students will be able to identify common uses of plastic at home and deduce what happens after plastic is thrown away;
  • Students will be able to become aware of the impact of plastic production and consumption on the environment.
  • Students will be able to know the life cycle for different plastic products.
  • Students will be able to apply the "Stop-Think-Reduce" rule before shopping at school and at home.
  • Students will be able to encourage families and peers to use plastic efficiently and/or use alternatives to single-use plastic.

The launched initiatives come in support of concrete actions for the education of young people that will facilitate the process of transition from a linear economy to a green and circular economy, based on technological transfer and innovations, creating new opportunities and capitalizing on existing potential. Ecological education in the Republic of Moldova as a candidate country for the EU is to have an extensive character in order to achieve specific objectives that will be in strict connection with the European Green Pact.

STOP Plastic pollution

The educational platform is developed within the Project "Plastic Waste in the Circular Economy: Community Solutions" implemented by AO "E-CIRCULAR" and AO Verde e Moldova with the financial support of the GEF-PNUD Small Grants Program.

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