courses e-Circular

Responsible for waste management
Responsible for waste management
Next course:
June 10, 2024

The course provides the necessary knowledge to implement the legal requirements regarding waste management within generating entities. You will learn the correct coding of waste and the use of digital recording and reporting tools.

You will acquire skills in developing waste prevention/reduction plans, initiating audits, ensuring compliance with environmental legislation and applying business circularity mechanisms and efficient resource management.

Ecological compliance inspector
Ecological compliance inspector

The "Environmental Compliance Inspector" course provides the necessary knowledge to ensure compliance with environmental regulations. It is suitable for professionals in various fields.

You will acquire skills in environmental impact assessment, obtaining permits, internal audit, coordination of environmental departments, waste management, pollution prevention and sustainability strategies.

Extended Producer Responsibility
Extended Producer Responsibility

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is an essential mechanism for the transition to the circular economy, based on the "polluter pays" principle. REP aims to manage waste from products placed on the market.

The course provides a practical guide to understanding and implementing REP schemes in accordance with the national legal framework. It addresses the challenges and opportunities associated with this concept at the organizational level.

Circular Economy
Circular Economy

The "Circular Economy" course develops skills in understanding the principles of the circular economy and identifying solutions for business circularization. You will learn to use the Circular Compass tool.

Structured in 3 modules, the course addresses the concepts of the circular economy, the analysis of the value chain of products and the identification of the most effective methods and tools for the development of circular solutions.