Things will change then
About e-Circular
the mission to promote the circular economy
in the Republic of Moldova.
Astăzi, data de 14.10.2024 marcăm Ziua Internațională a Deșeurilor de Echipamente Electrice și Electronice (DEEE) –
Cu ocazia Zilei Mondiale a Curățeniei, peste 70 de copii din orașele Cantemir și Ceadîr-Lunga au
O treime dintre alimentele produse la nivel mondial nu ajung în consumul uman din cauza pierderilor
A.O. Centrul de Instruire și Consultanță E-Circular, în calitate de partener a Programului „EU4Moldova: Comunități Locale”
Extended Producer Responsibility (REP) is an essential tool for improving waste management and reducing impacts
A new week in the Iulie Fără Plastic Campaign, respectively a new topic - The truth about
According to the Global Waste Management Outlook 2024 (GWMO 2024), if the current waste management system does not
The first week of the Plastic Free July 2024 campaign has as its main topic: The impact of packaging from
Today the first day of July is traditionally also the first day of the national Campaign dedicated to July Without
According to a research recently published in Science Advances - Global producer responsibility for plastic pollution, se
From this June 11, the E-CIRCULAR Training and Consulting Center started a new edition
On 22.05.2024, over 30 mayors from the Waste Management Region 5 (Călărași, Nisporeni
AO The E-Circular Training and Consulting Center as a media partner announces the organization of a
Choose the accredited courses offered by E-Circular for new professional skills!
Our projects
Discover initiatives focused on the circular economy and sustainable waste management in the Republic of Moldova.
Prin proiect A.O. E-Circular își propune să ofere asistență, mentorat și instruiri agenților economici din diferite regiuni ale Republicii Moldova cu referire la implementarea mecanismului REP și conformarea la cerințele legale în acest domeniu.
Prin proiectul implementat se propune îmbunătățirea accesului la apă potabilă și servicii de canalizare în localitățile rurale din raionul Strășeni, prin extinderea infrastructurii și creșterea conștientizării comunitare privind utilizarea durabilă a resurselor de apă.
AO E-Circular, accredited provider of training services at the national level, is developing a new training program within the RECONOMY program, entitled "Sustainable Practices and Circular Economy in the Textile and Clothing Industry." This program supports the transition to green and efficient practices in the T&I sector, providing economic opportunities and green skills development for women, youth and SMEs.
The project aims to raise awareness of the problems generated by plastic waste at the national level and promote sustainable practices for its prevention and management. The project focuses on educating the population about the impact of plastic waste on the environment and the costs associated with its management.
Our partners
In partnership with global and local leaders, we are committed to advancing sustainability and innovation in resource management, for a cleaner environment and a healthier community.
Get in touch with us
We provide expertise and assistance in implementing circular economy strategies, as well as in identifying business opportunities and innovative solutions, developing partnerships between companies and creating collaborative networks to share best practices and encourage innovation.