e-Circular projects

MISRA proiect_REP

Prin proiect A.O. E-Circular își propune să ofere asistență, mentorat și instruiri agenților economici din diferite regiuni ale Republicii Moldova cu referire la implementarea mecanismului REP și conformarea la cerințele legale în acest domeniu.

Clean water for all

Prin proiectul implementat se propune îmbunătățirea accesului la apă potabilă și servicii de canalizare în localitățile rurale din raionul Strășeni, prin extinderea infrastructurii și creșterea conștientizării comunitare privind utilizarea durabilă a resurselor de apă.

Circular Economy in the Textile and Clothing industry

AO E-Circular, accredited provider of training services at the national level, is developing a new training program within the RECONOMY program, entitled "Sustainable Practices and Circular Economy in the Textile and Clothing Industry." This program supports the transition to green and efficient practices in the T&I sector, providing economic opportunities and green skills development for women, youth and SMEs.


The project aims to raise awareness of the problems generated by plastic waste at the national level and promote sustainable practices for its prevention and management. The project focuses on educating the population about the impact of plastic waste on the environment and the costs associated with its management.

Project_strategic communication

Project implemented by AO EcoVisio and AO E-Circular in partnership with the Ministry of the Environment and IP the National Office for the Implementation of Projects in the field of the Environment and financial support from the Embassy of Sweden.


The initiative "Plastic Waste in the Circular Economy: Community Solutions" combats the problem of plastic waste through actions at the local level. Run by the NGOs "Verde e Moldova" and "E-CIRCULAR" with GEF funding, the project implements educational measures, collection and prevention of plastic pollution in three communities in the Republic of Moldova.