
Questions and answers

section 1

What is waste?

Any substances or objects which the keeper throws away or intends or is obliged to throw away. (Waste are already used materials such as packaging or beverage containers that, in one way or another, can be recovered or transformed into raw material to save their impact on the environment. Waste is a new concept that requires attention to the environment in daily activity, replacing the outdated term "garbage". There is no such thing as garbage, only resources.)

What does a waste holder mean?

The producer of the waste or the natural or legal person who is in possession of it.

section 2

What does recyclable waste mean?

Recyclable waste is that waste which, after use, can be partially or fully recovered and transformed into raw material and, therefore, reintroduced into the production and consumption chain. They are, in turn, of 3 types: Plastic and metal, Paper and cardboard and Glass.

What is biodegradable waste?

Biodegradable waste is leftovers from the household that, through decomposition, can become compost, i.e. a very effective and very healthy natural fertilizer for the earth.

Do we need to wash and compress recyclable waste before depositing it in the container?

To facilitate the process of separate collection and recycling, it is mandatory to empty the contents and rinse all packaging, if possible including tablets.

Are there cases where paper cannot be recycled?

Do not recycle paper/cardboard printed with color printing ink in a proportion greater than 10%. Do not recycle paper/cardboard impregnated with fats and other substances in a proportion greater than 10%.

section 3

What is compost?

Compost is food for the earth. More precisely, it is a natural fertilizer resulting from the slow fermentation of various vegetable residues mixed with some mineral substances.

Vegetable residues mean everything that remains after the care of the garden: the green branches of trees, dry leaves, grass and flower remains. Mineral substances mean everything left in the kitchen, i.e. certain food scraps, fruit, vegetables, eggshells, coffee grounds and tea bags or plant scraps used in tea.

What does reuse mean?

To reuse is to find a new use for an old object. Example: We paint an old bottle or jar and we can turn it into a vase or a flower pot.

What does it mean to save resources?

  1. We leave the car at home. We go to work on foot or by bike.
  2. We turn off the light when we leave the room and unplug electrical appliances.
  3. When we wait more than a minute, we turn off the car engine.
  4. If we only have a few dirty dishes, we wash them by hand.

What does pollution prevention mean?

Measures taken before a substance, material or product becomes waste and which contribute to reducing the amount of waste, including by reusing products or extending their life cycle, reducing the harmful effects of waste on the environment and the health of the population, etc.

What does the "polluter pays" principle mean?

The "polluter pays" principle is one of the essential principles underlying the environmental policy of the European Union (EU). Applying this principle means that polluters bear the costs of the pollution they cause, including the cost of measures taken to prevent, combat and remediate the pollution, as well as the costs it imposes on society. By applying the principle, polluters are encouraged to avoid harming the environment and are held accountable for the pollution they cause. Also, the cost of remediation is borne by the polluter, not the taxpayer.

Who sets the rate for waste collection?

According to the legislation, each municipality has the obligation to create an efficient system of separate collection and transportation of municipal waste. Because there is currently no national methodology, the payment for waste collection and disposal is set by each municipality separately, depending on the expenses necessary to provide the service. If the waste is not stored correctly, the municipality can be fined, according to the same "polluter pays" principle. Every citizen is also obliged to pay for environmental pollution. This is done by signing the contract for the provision of communal and non-communal household services in the housing fund.

What happens in case of refusal to pay the sanitation fee?

By law, evasion is punishable by a fine. This is between 30-60 conventional units for individuals or unpaid work for the benefit of the community from 10 to 30 hours. If a legal person refuses to sign a sanitation contract, the fine is from 60 to 180 conventional units or unpaid work for the benefit of the community from 30 to 60 hours. When it comes to paying for waste collection and disposal, most of the time, the opinions of citizens are divided, each having their own opinion, sometimes subjective, when they say that the price is fair or not so much.