Things will change

About recycle e-Circular

e-Circular is a non-governmental organization established in 2010 with
the mission to promote the circular economy
in the Republic of Moldova.



Choose the accredited courses offered by E-Circular for new professional skills!

Ecological compliance inspector
Next course:
14 May, 2025
AO Training and Consultancy Center "E-CIRCULAR" as an accredited provider of training services according to Order No. 383 of March 2024 issued by the Ministry of Education and Research and the Certificate of Evaluation of...
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Responsible for waste management and circular economy
Next course:
26 March, 2025
AO Training and Consulting Center "E-CIRCULAR" as an accredited provider of training services according to Order No. 690 of June 2023 issued by the Ministry of Education and Research and the Evaluation Certificate...
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Extended Producer Responsibility
Next course:
3 April, 2025
The development of REP schemes in Europe has helped to improve the prevention, reuse and recycling of waste. This mechanism has proven to be an absolutely necessary and functional tool for the transition to a...
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Raportarea de sustenabilitate: ESG, CSRD și ESRS
Într-o lume în continuă schimbare, unde sustenabilitatea devine o prioritate globală, companiile sunt tot mai des puse în fața cerințelor de a demonstra transparență și responsabilitate. Raportarea de sustenabilitate, prin...
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Circular Economy in the Textile and Apparel Industry (T&A)
Cursul "Economia circulară în industria textilelor și a îmbrăcămintei" este destinat companiilor din industria textilă și a îmbrăcămintei, tinerilor antreprenori precum și managerilor și designerilor care doresc să implementeze practici...
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Circular Economy. Basic principles.
The circular economy is no longer just an option, but a necessity in the context of current climate and economic challenges. Adopting this innovative model is essential for companies that want to remain...
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Our projects

Discover initiatives focused on the circular economy and sustainable waste management in the Republic of Moldova.

Project_strategic communication

Proiect implementat de A.O. EcoVisio și A.O. E-Circular în parteneriat cu Ministerul Mediului și I.P. Oficiul Național de Implementare a Proiectelor în domeniul Mediului, finanțat de Suedia.

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AO E-Circular, accredited provider of training services at the national level, is developing a new training program within the RECONOMY program, entitled "Sustainable Practices and Circular Economy in the Textile and Clothing Industry." This program supports the transition to green and efficient practices in the T&I sector, providing economic opportunities and green skills development for women, youth and SMEs.

Clean water for all

The implemented project aims to improve access to drinking water and sanitation services in rural localities in Straseni district, by expanding infrastructure and increasing community awareness regarding the sustainable use of water resources.


The project aims to raise awareness of the problems generated by plastic waste at the national level and promote sustainable practices for its prevention and management. The project focuses on educating the population about the impact of plastic waste on the environment and the costs associated with its management.

Our partners

In partnership with global and local leaders, we are committed to advancing sustainability and innovation in resource management, for a cleaner environment and a healthier community.

Get in touch with us

We provide expertise and assistance in implementing circular economy strategies, as well as in identifying business opportunities and innovative solutions, developing partnerships between companies and creating collaborative networks to share best practices and encourage innovation.

Str. 31 August 1989 – 129, bir. 305
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