
"We recycle WEEE and realize the ODD", project dedicated to the management of electrical and electronic equipment waste


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Waste management
Roman Bahnaru e-Circular

"We recycle WEEE and achieve the SDGs" is a new project dedicated to the management of electrical and electronic equipment waste at the national level and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, implemented by AO EcoDigital with financial support from the funds of the "GEF Small Grants Program, implemented by UNDP Moldova" in partnership with the AO Association for Valorification Waste (AVD), the College of Ecology, MoldRec and EcoRecycling.

The project was conceived as a continuation of the "Clean city with recycled e-Waste" project, implemented in the period 2018-2020 by AO AVD by expanding this time the number of collection points from the municipal level to the national level. As a result, the number of collection points will expand from 128 to 200, with the map of collection points being updated along the way –  

An important component of the new project is the promotion of the Reuse, Repair and Recycle principles. In particular, attention will be drawn to the understanding and application of the #Repar (REPAIR) principle, since according to the best world practices, this principle allows extending the life of equipment. As a planned action in this regard, the arrangement of the first laboratory class on WEEE within the College of Ecology, which will be equipped with various samples of WEEE, which will allow the study and visualization in detail of the types of materials from which they are composed (plastic , metal, electronics, etc.).

We remind you that approximately 10 thousand tons of electrical and electronic equipment waste (WEEE) are generated annually in the Republic of Moldova, and according to The study on the generation and management of e-waste in the municipality of Chisinau, the top obstacles regarding the collection of WEEE are insufficient information on the collection and recycling of WEEE and insufficient infrastructure for the collection of this waste. All taken together, more recently amplified in the long term by the consequences of the pandemic and the increase in the quantities of electrical and electronic equipment purchased in the last year, bring an enormous burden on the environment - if of course they are not managed sustainably and sustainably.

The conference will be held on March 18, on the occasion of the Global Recycling Day, online through the ZOOM platform, starting at 10:00 a.m.

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