The correct management of WEEE at the national level continues to represent a major challenge and not only ecologically and economically, but also in relation to the health of the country's population exposed to the effects caused by chemicals used in the manufacture of electronic products.
Complementary the legal framework national regarding the responsibilities of manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market, educating an eco-responsible behavior in relation to the WEEE generated among the population is a key factor for improving environmental performance through more responsible consumption (prevention, reduction and reuse ), separate collection and a more active collaboration with authorized operators for the management of this waste.

A contribution in this regard is the initiative launched in 2021 by AO EcoDigital through The national campaign "Moldova recycles WEEE" organized between October and December 2021, part of the project "We recycle WEEE and achieve the SDGs".
Despite the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, 17 educational institutions/initiative group with over 7000 students and teachers have shown awareness and responsibility in relation to the hidden enemy of the environment and health – WEEE. Activities such as dissemination of information, organization of workshops, discussion workshops, videos, thematic exhibitions of drawings, posters in parallel with the separate collection and handing over of WEEE to the authorized operators of the project partners (Moldrec and EcoRecycling) is a nice contribution towards a cleaner and greener future. Some of the campaign participants' activities can be seen on the group page Say NO to waste.
Although for a large part of the campaign participants, the objective of collecting a larger amount of WEEE was compromised due to the restrictions imposed, especially when many of the students conducted their studies online, and access to the institution by individuals been restricted, the impact and the result achieved deserve appreciation and dissemination at the national level. With over 10 tons of WEEE already collected through the collection points located on the premises of the beneficiary institutions, including uncounted amounts by the students of the institutions participating in the campaign, who personally chose the nearest point on Map of collection points to dispose of used electronics, including evacuations planned in the coming period, not least the impressive number of young people and families informed about the correct options for used electronics, we announce the successful completion of the campaign launched and List of e-Recycling AMBASSADORS:
- Institute of Chemistry, Or. Kishinev
- IPLT Bogdan Petriceicu Hașdeu, city Kishinev
- Center of Excellence in Energy and Electronics, Or. Kishinev
- Center of Excellence in Economics and Finance, Or. Kishinev
- Center of Excellence in Light Industry, Kishinev
- IPLT "Alexandru cel Bun", Singera, Chisinau municipality
- IPLT "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", city Kishinev
- Nisporeni Professional School, Nisporeni district
- IPLT "Meșterul Manole" Sălcuta village, Căuşeni district
- Colicăuți Gymnasium, Briceni district
- IPLT "Varnița", Anenii Noi district
- "Vasile Alecsandri" gymnasium in Mărculești, Florești district
- IPLT Republican "Ion Creangă", Balti
- Bobeica Gymnasium, Hîncești district
- Professional School from Hîncești, Hîncești district
- IPLT "Constantin Spătaru", Leova district
- The initiative group from Volintiri village, Ștefan Vodă district
An important aspect noticed by the campaign participants and which cannot be ignored is the informal WEEE market. People want money to hand over WEEE, which is why they prefer to sell this hazardous waste to individuals/legal entities not authorized by the Environment Agency. Unfortunately, such cases can be found in most localities of the Republic of Moldova. People are less aware of the fate of sold WEEE, or more precisely how many of them end up disassembled in landfills, ravines, forests after the valuable parts are extracted. As a result, some of us, out of lack of knowledge or carelessness choose to be paid to destroy our health and contaminate the environment!
The project "We recycle WEEE and achieve the SDGs" is implemented by AO EcoDigital with financial support from the funds "GEF Small Grants Program, implemented by UNDP Moldova" in partnership with AO Association for Waste Recovery (AVD), the College of Ecology, EcoRecycling and MoldRec.