Waste management

The online conference "DeeeEDU: through education we save the new generations", 15.10.2020

"DeeeEDU: through education we save the new generations", is the theme of this year's conference organized by the Waste Recovery Association (AVD), on the occasion of the International WEEE Day, the 3rd edition. Through this event, the Republic of Moldova officially joins the 112 organizations from 48 countries, which plan to organize various informational and educational activities regarding the education of responsible behavior in relation to the EEE purchased and used. The event is part of the "Clean city with recycled e-Waste" project, implemented by AVD with the support of the Program

Members of CCI of RM informed about efficient waste management

On October 6, the Waste Recovery Association participated in the first online dialogue session on the topic "Solutions for efficient waste management", organized by Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova, as part of the Joint Meeting of the Committees for Sectoral Entrepreneurship under the CCI of the Republic of Moldova, which was attended by over 50 members of the CCI. This event launched a series of other online meetings organized by CCI in

Finland: Deposit system (DRS – deposit refund system)

These images seem familiar to some of us, to others just a memory of the stories of the greatest. Surely by now most people know about how milk bottles were reused in many parts of the world, even in the USSR. Apparently it's a pretty effective mechanism, even if it was used maybe for other reasons before. Great Britain instituted a new system of "milk suppliers" or as they call him, milkman. They also have extended

Italy: "Pay for what you throw away"

Pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) is another economic tool that aims to raise consumer awareness of the fact that waste costs, while also aiming to induce the same behaviors such as reducing waste generation, increasing recycling and reducing landfill quantities. In Italy, the public company The counter uses the PAYT ("Pay-as-you-throw") system, which involves charging based on the actual amount that a household or person generates.  The counter serves 554,000 inhabitants in the Veneto region of Italy. So,

Spain: Economic tools in waste management

In 2018, EU member states agreed on a comprehensive set of laws aimed at preventing the creation of household waste and boosting recycling. The new laws transpose the provisions of the 4 EU directives: Directive 2008/98/EC on waste (WFD), Directive (EU) 2018/850 on landfills (LD), Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste ( PPWD) and Directive (EU) 2019/904 on reducing the impact of certain plastic products on the environment. All member states are expected to reflect agreed EU laws in

Study on WEEE in the municipality of Chisinau

AO "Association for Waste Recovery” presents the results of the Study on WEEE in the municipality of Chisinau. The study was completed in June 2020 and is part of the "Clean city with recycled e-Waste - Recycle today for your health tomorrow" project implemented by AVD with the support GEF SGP Moldova Small Grants Program, implemented by UNDP Moldova in partnership with MoldRec Association. The present study, the first of its kind in the country, provides an overview

10 recommendations to reduce the amount of WEEE

Technology has evolved so rapidly in recent decades that today it is hard to imagine what our lives would be like without smartphones, laptops, washing machines, refrigerators and many other electrical and electronic devices. But our addiction to technology and need for new devices has created one of the biggest environmental problems of our time – waste electrical and electronic equipment (e-Waste). Annually, around 50 million tons of e-Waste are generated globally, and the amount of e-Waste generated

EcoVisio, closer to doctors in the fight against COVID-19

Out of the desire to support those who fight the pandemic daily, the EcoVisio public association donated several materials to the hospitals in Balti and Căușeni, the first medical institutions in the districts that took in patients infected with COVID-19. At the moment, a total of 130 patients diagnosed with or with symptoms of infection with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the two hospitals. At the same time, 30% of the medical staff of Căuşeni hospital was infected with the new coronavirus, while in Bălți, 18 medical workers

Instruction on keeping records and transmitting data and information on waste and its management

Instructions on reporting waste data and information

Conformable Government Decision no. 501 of 29.05.2018 for the approval of the Instruction on keeping records and transmitting data and information about waste and its management, waste holders, regardless of the type of activity, type of property, legal form of organization and source of financing, are obliged to prepare and present data and information on waste and its management. Accordingly, in order to facilitate the reporting of waste data and information and its management, waste holders must

Waste management is an essential public service in the fight against COVID-19

Waste management is an essential public service in the fight against COVID-19

Given the scale and pace of the spread of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), the aggressive impact on human health and the global economy is intensifying day by day, forcing governments to urgently address the issue of medical, household and waste management other types of hazardous waste. Indisputably, waste management is an essential public service in the fight against COVID-19, with the aim of minimizing possible secondary impacts on health and the environment. During such an outbreak, they are