
What does the new Waste Transfer Regulation provide and when does it come into force?


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Roman Bahnaru e-Circular

It enters into force from September 2023 The regulation on waste transfers approved by Government Decision no. 411 of 22.06.2022. With the entry into force of the new normative act, it will be repealed Government Decision no. 637/2003 regarding the control of the transboundary transport of waste and its disposal.

Rthe waste transfer regulation it is a very important normative act in terms of implementation and compliance measures to protect the environment and human health by preventing or reducing the negative effects that can be caused by TRANSFERS OF WASTE. It establishes procedures and control regimes for waste transfers, depending on the origin, destination and route of the transfer, the type of waste transferred and the type of management operation applied to the waste at destination.

Regulation applies to the transfer of the following types of:

1) imported into the Republic of Moldova, being intended for recovery operations;

2) exported from the Republic of Moldova, being intended for recovery and disposal operations;

3) in transit on the territory of the Republic of Moldova;

4) carried out exclusively on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

Procedures applied for transboundary transfers of wasteProcedures applied for waste transfers carried out exclusively within the Republic of Moldova
Prior written notification and prior written consent, in accordance with section 2 of chapter II of the Regulation; General information requirements, in accordance with section 3 of chapter II.  The general and specific requirements from chapter III of the Regulation and in accordance with the provisions of art. 45 of Law no. 209/2016 on waste.s

The new regulation presents special provisions for ensuring the traceability of waste that is carried out exclusively on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. Respectively, according to Chapter III of the Regulation, and in accordance with the requirements of art. 45 of the Waste Law, the waste producer or the authorized operator notifies the Environment Agency regarding each waste transport separately for each destination 3 days before the transport is carried out, by completing The identification form for the transfer, recovery and/or disposal of waste.

In accordance with Art. 31, paragraph (4) of Law no. 209/2016 on waste, the Environmental Protection Inspectorate controls the loads and takes measures to ensure compliance with the accompanying documents and to comply with the legal provisions regarding the fulfillment of the export, import and transit conditions of waste.

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