
Start online training: Using EXCEL in waste management planning


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Circular economy
Roman Bahnaru e-Circular

AO "E-Circular" Training and Consulting Center announces the organization Workshops of online training on the topic "Using the EXCEL module for developing local waste management programs and calculating tariffs for public waste management services".

The workshops are addressed to mayors, deputy mayors, municipal sanitation operators, accountants, people involved in waste management planning activities from different waste management regions.

Training participants will learn:

  • How to use the EXCEL module.
  • How to use EXCEL to calculate and visually present the data needed to develop a Local Waste Management Program) in order to transpose the provisions of art. 35 of Law 209/2016 on waste and in accordance with the objectives and measures provided by the Waste Management Strategy.
  • How to use EXCEL to calculate tariffs for public waste management services according to The methodology regarding the calculation of tariffs for some public municipal waste management services approved by HGnr. 881/2022

For the efficient organization of the proposed activity, the training participants will need a computer/laptop (EXCEL installed) and access to data/information about waste management (e.g. amount of tariffs, share of the population that pays the tariff, number of dumpsters, costs for managing the waste infrastructure waste collection, expenses for calculating tariffs, forecasted revenues from the waste collection service, etc.).

Training calendar and registration link for each training

The activity is part of the project "Improving LPA's digital and green skills for better waste planning and management”, implemented by AO E-Circular with the financial support of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), from the funds of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).

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