Articles: Circular economy

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Category: Circular economy
Plogging is an ecological movement through running and sports recently launched in the Republic of Moldova by AO EcoDigital through the Project "Fugi de PLASTIC/Run from PLASTIC"
Category: Circular economy
We invite all young people who want to get involved and implement their ideas to become part of this change movement and give up the plastic that is polluting the planet!
Category: Circular economy
The research carried out by this study, including the synthesis of the legal framework at the national level, confirms that although we have set more or less ambitious objectives, not all of them include green economic growth.
Category: Circular economy
Omenirea generează anual peste 2 miliarde tone de deșeuri solide municipale, dintre care 45% sunt gestionate prost.
Category: Circular economy
The goal of upcycle is to reduce waste by creating high-quality, high-value products from materials that would otherwise be thrown away.
Category: Circular economy
Category: Empowering citizens
Today, October 14, 2024, we mark the International E-Waste Day
Category: Circular economy
Today, October 14, 2024, we mark the International E-Waste Day
Category: Circular economy
The creation of a laboratory-type classroom dedicated to WEEE being one of the objectives of the project, it is set up in the premises of the College of Ecology and is equipped with various WEEE samples.
Category: Circular economy
Today, October 14, 2024, we mark the International E-Waste Day
Category: Circular economy
the journey of plastic