Through Order of the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova from June 2023, AO E-Circular training and consulting center obtained:
- Accreditation for a duration of 5 years of the Adult Vocational Training Program "Responsible for waste management", 3 study credits.
- Provisional authorization of the Adult Vocational Training Program "Ecological compliance inspector", 3 study credits.
- Provisional authorization of the Adult Vocational Training Program "Locksmith at water networkst", 12 study credits.
EXTERNAL QUALITY ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATE ANACEC 2023 certificate issued by the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research and awarded to Mrs. Aurelia Bahnar, the president of the training center represents an important step for a GREEN AND CIRCULAR ECONOMY. Only by acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills can adults make informed decisions and adopt more sustainable practices and behaviors in their daily lives, workplaces and communities.

This result was possible thanks to the support given by GIZ Moldova within the framework of the project Strengthening the capacities of AO "E-CIRCULAR" in the development and provision of Continuing Education Programs for adults towards a more efficient transition to the green economy".
Those wishing to participate in the training programs organized by AOE-Circular can register online by completing this FORM or send a request by email to the address