selective collection

EU// The project "Management of solid waste with the involvement of the community from Străseni" was successfully completed!

On the 27th of September, in the premises of the Străseni Municipality Town Hall, the Finalization Conference of the project "Management of solid waste through the active involvement of the community" Străseni district was held. The project was implemented by the AO Association for Waste Recovery within the EU Local Grants Program "Be the change: Citizens involved - Sustainable Communities!", launched through the project "Empowering citizens in the Republic of Moldova" (2019-2021), financed by to the European Union and implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ). The activities of this project were

EU// 100 opinion leaders from Străseni district trained to promote the separate collection of PLASTIC

Only a community informed and aware of the danger of PLASTIC pollution makes possible and determines the success of a project and the continuity of the actions carried out. Quoting Robert Swan, "The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it..." it is very important now more than ever to act immediately and be responsible for the products we consume, the waste we generate, which if continue to be mismanaged are valuable wasted resources. In this sense, one of the basic activities

From 2020, expired medicines will be handed over to pharmacies

Starting next year, pharmacies in our country will be provided by the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency with special bins for collecting expired medicines, including mercury thermometers. Finally, they will be destroyed by environmentally friendly methods. The authorities resorted to this method to put an end to the practice of haphazardly throwing away old dishes. According to the director of the Medicines Agency, Zinaida Bezverhni, this harms both the environment and people's health, because antibiotics or cytostatic drugs contaminate the soil and water. "There will be special boxes or crates, in which