Waste Management Magazine 29 (1) 2021

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Be part of the circular economy movement.

The Republic of Moldova is invaded with waste that people, instead of collecting it separately, abandon it wherever they can, due to carelessness, indifference and momentary comfort. It is sure that  "Only together can we have a clean environment", jointly promoting public awareness and participation activities, which in accordance with the provisions The waste management strategy for the years 2013-2027 are very important for the promotion and implementation of new waste management methods at the national and regional level.

Issue 29 of the Magazine (1/2021) offers a wide spectrum of topics in the field and informational resources necessary to increase the degree of awareness and information, thus conditioning a positive ecological effect over time.

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Protective masks — a new challenge in the fight against plastic and an eminent danger to environmental security

In the absence of the possibilities of treatment by incineration or co-incineration of these contaminated waste at the national level, they end up in landfills, representing real facilitators for the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The EcoDigital Association launched the "We Recycle WEEE and Realize SDG" project

On the Global Day of Recycling — March 18, the project "We recycle WEEE, we achieve the SDGs" was launched. The project is implemented by AOEcoDigital in partnership with AO AVD, the College of Ecology, Eco Recycling SRL and MoldRec Group SRL, financed by the Small Grants Program (SGP) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), implemented by UNDP Moldova.

Entrepreneurs are being made aware of strict restrictions on certain single-use plastic products

On March 5, 2021, on the platform of the Sectoral Entrepreneurship Committees of the CCI of the Republic of Moldova, the public-private dialogue was held with the representatives of the National Agency for Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance and the Association for Waste Recovery, with the generic: "Restrictions in the field of retail trade of plastic products".

WASTE STATISTICS: Republic of Moldova and the EU

Almost 225 million tons of municipal waste were generated in the EU in 2019 and almost one million in the Republic of Moldova. This corresponds to 502 kg per person in the EU, or 329.6 kg in the Republic of Moldova (data for 2018).

Start "Campaign for awareness and separate collection of solid waste" in the Străşeni district

On March 18, on the occasion of Global Recycling Day, AO AVD launched the "Solid waste awareness and collection campaign" in 6 beneficiary localities of the "Solid waste management with community involvement" project in Străseni r–ul — Străseni municipality , Lozova commune, Negrești village, Scoreni village, Sireți village and Vorniceni village.

The municipal waste management system in the municipality of Chisinau, year 2020

According to the data presented by Î.M. "AUTOSALUBRITATE" directorate, in 2020, 1830 thousand m3 of waste, or 190.8 thousand tons, were collected and transported from the municipality of Chisinau, of which 174.5 thousand tons were stored at the Șîntăreni waste landfill and only 16.3 thousand tons or 8.5 % were sorted for recycling.

Biodegradable screens for sustainable electronics, eco innovation in the field of electronic equipment

KIT scientists were the first to produce biodegradable displays (screens). This eco-innovation in the field of electronic equipment fully complies with the objectives of the EU Action Plan for a circular economy, which also provides for better product design.

Lithuania recycles 92% from packaging and how the deposit system works

According to Eurostat, Lithuania is the leader in plastic recycling in EU countries. In 2018, an average of 41.5% of plastic was recycled in the EU and almost 70% in Lithuania. A significant part of recyclable waste is plastic bottles — since 2016 they have been collected using the beverage container return deposit system, and now 92% of bottles are returned.

Criuleni without waste, the media and advocacy campaign for improving waste management

The "Criuleni without waste" initiative provides for the implementation of a media and advocacy campaign in the city of Criuleni, aiming to improve waste management by informing the population about the need for their selective collection and improving local policies in this regard.

Bioplastic and new bioplastic products are actually a challenge in waste management!

According to the most recent study carried out by the Goethe University in Frankfurt, it was found that Bioplastic and directly the new biodegradable plastic products is as toxic as traditional Plastic.

Environmental declaration of the manufactured product, Constantin Codreanu

The environmental product declaration or EPD (environmental product declaration) is a document that transparently communicates the performance or environmental impact of any product or material throughout its life. In the construction industry, EPDs support the reduction of carbon emissions by making it possible to compare the impacts of different materials and products to select the most sustainable option.

How we reduce food waste

Food waste is a much more widespread phenomenon, and cannot be attributed to a specific socio-demographic category. Its reduction still requires many concrete investments in information and education campaigns for the actors involved.

Platform for online studies focused on the principles of ecological agriculture - MOVCA

Agricultural producers in our country have the opportunity to follow a free video lesson course focused on the principles of ecological agriculture through the www.studii.movca.md platform.

Composting biodegradable waste in households. Practical aspects and benefits

In this article, it is specifically about compost, more precisely about the process of composting biodegradable waste from rural households. So, what are the steps to follow to obtain a good compost? It all starts with improvising or procuring a compost bin.

April 30, 2021, deadline for reporting waste data in SIA MD

In accordance with HG 501/2018, the Instruction regarding record keeping and the transmission of data and information about waste and its management, all waste holders have the obligation to report to the Environment Agency by April 30, 2021 through the automated information system "Management waste".

The EU has removed two villages from the north of the Republic of Moldova

Old Sarata from Fălești district, a locality that boasts the cleanest streets in the region. Here you don't see polythene bags blown by the wind or plastic bottles haphazardly thrown away. The inhabitants seem to be participating in an eternal competition for the title of "Cleanest household".

Residents of six localities in the Străşeni district are informed about the need to sort household waste

"We collect the garbage, put it in bags, the tractor comes and loads it. Before, we used to throw garbage in designated places. I paid fines, and so did the fellow. Good thing now they come straight to the gate and load it."

Sireţi — the village where more than 75% of the inhabitants pay for waste collection

In Sireţi, it is planned to reduce the area of the landfill for waste storage, through the separate collection of plastic. The villagers are satisfied that they have an organized waste collection and disposal system.

The Environment Agency informs with reference to the responsibilities of EEE producers

In accordance with the provisions of the WEEE Regulation GD no. 212 of 07.03.2018, starting from January 1, 2020, EEE producers are obliged to achieve and report for the first time the collection target of 5%, calculated as a percentage ratio between the total mass of WEEE collected in the respective year and the average mass of the amount of EEE introduced on the market in the last 3 years.

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