Waste Management Magazine 4 (20) 2018

Waste Management Magazine 4 (20) 2018

15.00 MDI

In the spring of 2014, we printed the first issue of the "Managementul Deşeurilor" magazine. During the 5 years of activity in the field, we managed to publish 20 new issues and thus maintain the publication of the only profile magazine at the national level. Over 1000 pages and 700 articles were published on the pages of the Magazine during the years 2014-2018. There are many messages and many exhortations, but not infrequently their result was not the desired one.


A discussion with Ellen Lorshieder, North Carolina waste management expert

About the initiation of the exchange of experience in the field of waste management and waste management practices in municipalities.


Regia "Autosalubrity" bought 12 trucks for transporting waste

A credit of 7 million lei will be contracted for the procurement of special vehicles. Currently, only four cars in the company's fleet meet operating standards. The first special vehicle arrived in the first days of October in Chisinau,