Aproape 200 de națiuni s-au întîlnit la Busan, Coreea de Sud. După mai bine de 2 ani de muncă, la a 5 ședință organizată la cel mai înalt nivel (INC5), documentul care trebuia să fie primul pas în reducerea poluării cu plastic NU a fost semnat.
Global recycling rates, averaging 19%, highlight that although recycling is often emphasized in guidelines, strategies and marketing, its widespread implementation remains elusive.
The authorities must urgently pass laws banning the importation and placing on the market of these dangerous packaging, instead promoting sustainable and safe alternatives.
AO The E-Circular Training and Consulting Center as media partner announces the organization of a new edition of the largest international exhibition of green technologies ECOMONDO – The Green Technology Expo, from November 5-8, 2024, Rimini Expo Centre, Italy.
The participants of this contest promoted the reuse, recycling and reduction of plastic waste practices among the population of all ages in the Republic of Moldova through the photos taken.