
e-Recycling ambassadors from the national campaign "Moldova recycles WEEE"

The correct management of WEEE at the national level continues to represent a major challenge and not only ecologically and economically, but also in relation to the health of the country's population exposed to the effects of more than ?.??? of chemicals used in the manufacture of electronic products. Complementary the legal framework national regarding the responsibilities of manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market, educating an eco-responsible behavior in relation to the WEEE generated among the population is a key factor for improving

Start of edition no. 1 of the Online Dialogue Platform: "Waste Management" magazine, no. 30/2021

On Monday, August 9, the Waste Recovery Association, on the occasion of the publication of the 30th issue of the "Waste Management" Magazine, launched the first edition of the Online Dialogue Platforms "Waste Management in the Republic of Moldova". This event aims to sensitize people to the wide range of topics covered in the magazine, the correct information in relation to the legal framework and, of course, the possibility of real-time interaction with invited specialists or members of the association. The editorial team is motivated to

AO AVD launched the first accredited Course "Waste Management Specialist"

On Friday, July 16, 2021, AO Association for Waste Recovery announces the organization of the online event dedicated to the official launch of the first nationally accredited continuing professional training course "Waste Management Specialist". To register for the event, it is necessary to fill out this form – https://forms.gle/W62VnvdPX9nR8SJs5 The "Waste Management Specialist" course is aimed at everyone public and private legal entities, which generate or produce waste and are responsible for their management: economic agents carrying out trade activities, construction sites, factories, plants,

Plastic pollution, a topic of increased interest during the launch of the "Plastic-Free I Feel Fantastic" campaign

On Monday, July 5, 2021, the AO Association for Waste Recovery officially launched the campaign at the national level - "Without Plastic I feel Fantastic", thus joining the global campaign  #PlasticFreeJuly2021, attended by more than 300 million people worldwide. The event was organized with the financial support of the European Union within the Project "Development of the capacities of civil society organizations" which is a regional project implemented by ERIM (previously IREX Europe). During the launch event, representatives from

EU// Award gala for the most active participants in the "Say NO to Plastic Pollution" campaign

On Saturday, June 12, the "Mihai Eminescu" Park in the municipality of Strășeni hosted a special event, the Award Gala of the most active and responsible ambassadors from the "Say NO to Plastic Pollution" Campaign, an event part of the project "Solid waste management through the active involvement of the community in the Străseni district" implemented by AO Association for Waste Recovery, between September 2020 and August 2021, in 6 localities of Străseni district (Străseni municipality, Scoreni village, Lozova commune, Vorniceni village, Negrești village and Sireți village). the event

The number of electrical and electronic waste collection points will increase, with the support of UNDP and GEF

number electrical and electronic equipment waste collection points will increase from 128 to 200, thanks to a new project dedicated to e-Waste management, which was launched today, March 18, 2021, on Global Recycling Day. The points will be set up in Chisinau and other localities in the country. The "We recycle e-Waste, we achieve the Sustainable Development Goals" project is implemented by AO EcoDigital with the financial support of the GEF Small Grants Program, implemented by UNDP Moldova, in partnership with AO Association for

"We recycle WEEE and realize the ODD", project dedicated to the management of electrical and electronic equipment waste

"We recycle WEEE and achieve the SDGs" is a new project dedicated to the management of electrical and electronic equipment waste at the national level and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, implemented by AO EcoDigital with financial support from the funds of the "GEF Small Grants Program, implemented by UNDP Moldova" in partnership with the AO Association for Valorification Waste (AVD), the College of Ecology, MoldRec and EcoRecycling. The project was designed as a continuation of the "Clean city with recycled e-Waste" project, implemented in the period 2018-2020 by AO AVD through

Problems and solutions associated with the treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment as metal waste

Research undertaken by UNITAR in a report commissioned by the WEEE Forum in 2020 estimates that in 2018 in the EU approximately 2.1 kg /WEEE/per person is in scrap metal and is not declared as WEEE. Data on WEEE in scrap for the Republic of Moldova are unavailable, definitively missing, and for the EU are few or uncertain. Thus only a few reports and studies identified by the WEEE forum can be found (WEEE Forum) in the report

How effective is the application of budgetary-fiscal instruments intended for environmental protection in the Republic of Moldova

The price of comfortable living in the 21st century is the damage that human activity brings to the environment. The impact of people and economic agents on the environment becomes, every year, more and more noticeable and impossible to ignore, and many of the developed countries have put this issue on the list of national priorities. "Moldova is facing a double development problem. On the one hand, we have a weak economy with an insufficient level of industrialization. On the other hand, there are major pressures on the environment, caused by

Online dialogue: The transition towards a circular economy in the Republic of Moldova

Today, on the platform of the Committees for Sectoral Entrepreneurship of the CCI of the Republic of Moldova, the Association for Waste Recovery at the invitation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry continued the dialogue on the dimension of efficient waste management, this time with the generic "The transition towards a circular economy in the Republic of Moldova". CCI members – producers who participated in the online event, were informed about the concept of circular economy – as a model of production and consumption involving the sharing, reuse, repair, renovation and recycling of materials and products