Articles: Extended Manufacturer's Liability

article categories
Category: Legislation
REP textile
Conform acordului, țările UE urmează să stabilească scheme de Responsabilitate Extinsă a Producătorului (REP), prin care producătorii vor fi responsabili pentru gestionarea deșeurilor textile rezultate din produsele plasate pe piață.
Category: Extended Producer Responsibility
cover e-circular rep 4
În Republica Moldova, implementarea REP este mai mult decât o obligație legală, este o oportunitate pentru companii de a se alinia standardelor internaționale și de a contribui activ la protecția mediului.
Category: Legislation
Conform noilor actualizări la Legea nr. 209/2016 privind deșeurile, sistemelor colective autorizate REP le revine obligația de a încheia contracte cu autoritățile administrației publice locale sau cu persoanele juridice înființate de acestea...
Category: Circular economy
cover eCircular_REP
This analysis note explores a specific aspect of REP in the Republic of Moldova, namely the role and applicability of the REP mechanism in the prevention and reuse of packaging waste.
Category: Waste management
PS 10
The authorities must urgently pass laws banning the importation and placing on the market of these dangerous packaging, instead promoting sustainable and safe alternatives.
Category: Extended Producer Responsibility
The best waste is that which does not exist. In the case of plastic waste - recycling proved not to be the most efficient solution, only 3 % of the total plastic waste generated nationally being recycled.
Category: Waste management
plastic brand audit
Every 1% increase in consumer goods companies' plastic production is associated with a 1% increase in plastic pollution in the environment
Category: Waste management
The workshop also discussed the latest amendments to Law no. 209/2016 on waste, directly aimed at cooperation between LPAs and authorized collective systems for the implementation of extended producer responsibility.
Category: Legislation
packaging tax
Law no. was published in the Official Monitor. 247 of July 31, 2023 for the amendment of Law no. 1540/1998 on payment for environmental pollution and which enters into force from 01.10.2023
Category: Waste management
used oils
The Regulation establishes the requirements for the proper ecological management of waste oils (UU) generated at national level, by applying the extended producer responsibility regime.
Category: Extended Producer Responsibility
At the moment, APIAM has 9 members who are some of the largest producers, importers or their representatives on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.
Category: Extended Producer Responsibility
Rep. concept
The current hazardous and production waste management system in the Republic of Moldova is not integrated and based on activities in accordance with the "waste hierarchy" and on an "Extended Producer Responsibility" mechanism