Articles: Circular economy

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Category: Circular economy
cover 2 EC
Evenimentul, desfășurat în perioada 28-29 noiembrie 2024, a reunit 25 de experți naționali și internaționali, peste 150 de participanți, 6 subiecte de interes și 3 workshop-uri practice.
Category: Circular economy
Banca de alimente 3
Nu arunca produsele alimentare din compania ta, ci donează-le la Banca de Alimente pentru a sprijini persoanele vulnerabile și a reduce risipa alimentară. Această inițiativă contribuie la un impact pozitiv asupra comunității și mediului înconjurător.
Category: Circular economy
cover eCircular_REP
This analysis note explores a specific aspect of REP in the Republic of Moldova, namely the role and applicability of the REP mechanism in the prevention and reuse of packaging waste.
Category: Circular economy
Circular economy scenario
Global recycling rates, averaging 19%, highlight that although recycling is often emphasized in guidelines, strategies and marketing, its widespread implementation remains elusive.
Category: Circular economy
In the last 5 years, discussions, debates and articles addressing this topic have increased almost 3 times, and the share of secondary materials consumed by the global economy has decreased from 9.1% in 2018 to 7.2% in 2023.
Category: Circular economy
The conference was organized with the aim of discussing current challenges, emerging opportunities and possible partnerships to promote the circular economy at the national level.
Category: Circular economy
After months of difficult negotiations, and under strong pressure from the industry, the Commission accepted the proposed Compromise Amendments.
Category: Circular economy
The online module facilitates the calculation of sanitation tariffs and the development of local waste management programs.
Category: Circular economy
This exhibition is an international benchmark event in Europe and the Mediterranean basin for technologies, services and industrial solutions in the green and circular economy sectors. 
Category: Circular economy
By Order of the Ministry of Education and Research, AO E-Circular Training and Consulting Center obtained the Certificate of External Quality Assessment.
Category: Circular economy
refill day
As we become more aware of the devastating effect plastic has on the environment, many of us are looking for ways to live more sustainably.
Category: Circular economy
On World Environment Day, AO "E-CIRCULAR" and AO Verde e Moldova launched the online educational platform for teachers "ResourceEDU: Give up PLASTIC".