Evenimentul, desfășurat în perioada 28-29 noiembrie 2024, a reunit 25 de experți naționali și internaționali, peste 150 de participanți, 6 subiecte de interes și 3 workshop-uri practice.
Nu arunca produsele alimentare din compania ta, ci donează-le la Banca de Alimente pentru a sprijini persoanele vulnerabile și a reduce risipa alimentară. Această inițiativă contribuie la un impact pozitiv asupra comunității și mediului înconjurător.
This analysis note explores a specific aspect of REP in the Republic of Moldova, namely the role and applicability of the REP mechanism in the prevention and reuse of packaging waste.
Global recycling rates, averaging 19%, highlight that although recycling is often emphasized in guidelines, strategies and marketing, its widespread implementation remains elusive.
In the last 5 years, discussions, debates and articles addressing this topic have increased almost 3 times, and the share of secondary materials consumed by the global economy has decreased from 9.1% in 2018 to 7.2% in 2023.
The conference was organized with the aim of discussing current challenges, emerging opportunities and possible partnerships to promote the circular economy at the national level.
This exhibition is an international benchmark event in Europe and the Mediterranean basin for technologies, services and industrial solutions in the green and circular economy sectors.
By Order of the Ministry of Education and Research, AO E-Circular Training and Consulting Center obtained the Certificate of External Quality Assessment.