
Responsible for waste management and circular economy


Next course date26 March, 2025
Duration6 days
CertificationParticipants who pass the final exam will receive the certificate of professional competence (CCPF Series).
Price course4,500 LEI

About the course

AO "E-CIRCULAR" Training and Consulting Center  as an accredited provider of training services according to the order no. 690 from June 2023 issued by the Ministry of Education and Research and a External quality assessment certificate FC series no. 0204-23 issued by the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research, invites economic agents that generate and/or collect waste, including all natural and legal persons interested in the subject and training of professional skills in the field to participate in Continuing professional training program: "Responsible for waste management".

The course addresses waste management according to the legal requirements in force (Law no. 209/2016, HG 501/2018, HG 99/2018, HG 212/2018, HG no. 561/2020, HG no. 586/2020, Law no. 1515 /1993, etc.), from a practical perspective and detailing the day-to-day aspects related to this activity.

Participanții la curs vor avea acces la platforma online de instruiri și vor lucra direct cu The file of the person responsible for waste management, which includes: Course support; sheets, plans, lists, programs; EXCEL database for recording and reporting waste.

Training agenda

We invite you to explore the course modules and discover how valuable it can be for your business or activity!
The graduate of the continuous training program "Responsible for waste management" will have the following skills:

The graduate of the continuous training program "Responsible for waste management" will have the following skills:

  • Understanding and correct application of the provisions of the legal framework regarding waste management.
  • Mechanism for implementing Extended Producer Responsibility. Roles and responsibilities of producers (importers) of products subject to REP and collective systems authorized to implement REP.
  • Operation with digital tools for perfecting the monthly record on waste management and the annual reporting of data on waste through
  • Initiation of waste audit activity.
  • Elaboration and implementation of a Waste Prevention/Reduction Plan
  • Preparing for a planned/unplanned Environmental Control.
  • The procedure for obtaining authorization regarding waste management, etc.
  • Knowing and integrating the principles of the circular economy in one's own activity, etc.
10organized trainings
300training hours
>100course participants

Sign up for the course

Want to join the circular economy movement? Sign up for our course by filling in the fields in the form, or contact us at your phone number or email address below.

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Responsible for waste management and circular economy
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