
Invitation to Tender


Program Title: Building green skilled workforce in the T&A industry for competitiveness and sector growth in the EaP Region

Task Title: Development of green, sustainable and inclusive curricula/short courses "Circular Economy and Sustainable Practices in the Textile and Apparel Industry (T&A)"

These Terms of Reference (ToR) are developed for the selection of a company or an independent contractor to provide services for the development of green, sustainable and inclusive curricula/short courses.

 Objectives of the Project:

RECONOMY is a program funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and implemented by Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation in collaboration with partners, in two regions – Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova), and Western Balkans (Kosovo, North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina). The main goal of RECONOMY is to enable women and youth, including the most disadvantaged and excluded, to benefit from economic opportunities by increasing their income and taking up decent and green jobs, inclusively and sustainably.

Training and consultancy center E-Circular as a market actor within this program aims to achieve the purpose of the RECONOMY program by Building Green Skilled Workforce in the T&A Industry for Competitiveness and Sector Growth in the EaP Region. Main proposed result through this program is to design and create a new E-learning tools/courses tailored to T&A sector representatives and professional audience and foster the sharing of knowledge and best practices among fellow training providers, promoting collaborative learning and the dissemination of successful strategies .

Training and consultancy center E-Circular invites specialized companies in the field of research/consultancy to express their interest in providing services for developing the e-learning Course "Circular Economy and Sustainable Practices in the Textile and Apparel Industry"

Deliverables assigned to the contracted company/ independent contractor:

Creation of educational content in accordance with the established curriculum for the training, ensuring that all information is accurate and up-to-date. Analyzing existing case studies and integrating them into materials to illustrate the practical application of theoretical knowledge.
Translating educational materials and videos from English to Romanian, ensuring accuracy in terminology and appropriate cultural adaptation.
Investigating and including relevant legislation to ensure materials comply with current legal requirements.
Designing layouts for educational materials, including graphics and infographics for better understanding and retention by learners. Photo/video materials of best examples.
Creation of interactive exercises and assessment tests based on the developed content to verify and reinforce learning for participants.
Deadline for all deliverables is 30.09.2024

Evaluation Criteria:


- Previous experience in similar projects.

– The ability to meet deadlines and deliver materials within the established stability terms.

– A solid understanding of project management tools and methods, with proven experience in applying these principles at all stages of a project.

Required documents:

– Company name, address, contact persons, and phone numbers.

- List of projects/deliverables realized in the last 3 years.

– CV(s) of the consultant/team members.

– Financial offer in MDL (including VAT)

Offer Submission:

All documents must be submitted no later than 7 June 2024, time 17:00 by email to with the mention "Offer_ Course "Circular Economy and Sustainable Practices in the Textile and Apparel Industry" or delivered physically to the association's headquarters at 31 August 1989 Street, No. 129, Office 305, MD – 2012 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Additional information can be obtained at the phone number: +373 60509934.

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